Define Company

In this tutorial, we will learn How to Create a Company

Step 1) Enter Transaction code SPRO in the command field

How to Create a Company in SAP

Step 2) In the next screen Select SAP reference IMG

How to Create a Company in SAP

Step 3) In next screen Display IMG follow the menu path

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition-> Financial Accounting -> Define Company

How to Create a Company in SAP


Step 4) In the next Screen

1)    Press New Entries

How to Create a Company in SAP

Step 5) In the next Screen Enter the Company Details :

  1.    Enter a unique Company Id for the Company within your corporate group
  2.    Enter the Company Name
  3.    In the Detailed Information Section Enter the Company Address details such as Street , PO Box, Postal Code, City
  4.    Select Country code for country the company is established
  5.    Select Default language for the Company for Print forms and  Default Texts
  6.    Select a Local Currency for the Company

How to Create a Company in SAP

Step 6)After completing all the required information ,press save How to Create a Company in SAP Enter your customizing request number

How to Create a Company in SAP

and your company is created.